I love mankind; it's people I can't stand.

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Feeling: Calm. Loving my life.
Eating: Um... life?
Drinking:Dasani water
Wearing: Jeans, black tank top with built in bra, lavender panties, eith a little sleeping kitty on them, my claddagh, green choker and matching earrings, contacts, vestiges of the day's make-up, black belt.

Listening to:
*Hummmmrumblerumblerumble* It's my washing machione making contented noises.
Chatting with:
Keeping my own counsel.
Thinking: "I need to concentrate on my posture more."
Remembering: Dave's tongue ring.
Glad for: My ability to move past fear into growth.

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Today is: 2002-07-21 - @ 3:32 p.m.
Yeah, right...

all time - is relative
Thank you for recently taking the Self Discovery Workshop's IQ Test. Because of the Internet's ability to mishandle transmissions, we are reconfirming via email that your IQ Test score was: 146

Average: 85 - 115

Above average: 116 - 125

Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135

Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145

Genius: 146 - 165

High Genius: 166 - 180

Highest Genius: 181 - 200

Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200

No, I didn't fix the score or anything. Crazy friggin computer thingies..

Quote for the Entry: "Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all." ~John F. Kennedy

all time - is relative

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