I love mankind; it's people I can't stand.

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Feeling: Calm. Loving my life.
Eating: Um... life?
Drinking:Dasani water
Wearing: Jeans, black tank top with built in bra, lavender panties, eith a little sleeping kitty on them, my claddagh, green choker and matching earrings, contacts, vestiges of the day's make-up, black belt.

Listening to:
*Hummmmrumblerumblerumble* It's my washing machione making contented noises.
Chatting with:
Keeping my own counsel.
Thinking: "I need to concentrate on my posture more."
Remembering: Dave's tongue ring.
Glad for: My ability to move past fear into growth.

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Today is: 2002-11-13 - @ 1:10 p.m.
yes, it is intended

all time - is relative
Yes, this is my second entry of the day. So bite me.

I watched a movie today, Texas Rangers. Totally unlike me. If it has rangers, or outlaws, or even texas in the title, chances are I won't enjoy watching it. But, being as I was bedridden, I didn't have much of a choice. In the movie, it had right and wrong so clearly defined. The outlaws were bad, if you killed them, you were good. I found myself asking, well, why did they become outlaws? Were they never taught that you could be happy without rustling cattle and riding off with helpless women on your saddle? I could probably go off about how are society perpetuates this mindset of right and wrong, when it isn't really neccesary, but I'm not going to. There isn't a need. I know it is true, and that is all it really matters. If you are meant to believe it, then you will, I don't have any control over it. And if you don't believe it, well, you're wrong.

Quote for the Entry: (Part of a conversation I was having with one of the most intelligent people I have the pleasure of knowing)

Dynamomystic: Create a great day!!

Metalloids: It's created, I just have to realize it.

And I thought I was being smart.

all time - is relative

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